“If you can dream it, you can do it!” - Walt Disney

The Dark Dark Night!
Ms. Amanda Rodriguez

I happened to go to my mother's house this weekend to visit my brother and spend some time with him and I really wanted to try telling him this story because I knew he would enjoy it. I said to him "Hey Elias, I want to tell you what happened to me the other night" and of course he was all ears. We sat on his car-shaped bed in his room (which just so happens to be pretty dim in there as the only window in there faces a brick wall and he only has a small lamp for his main source of light) and I began my plot-I mean story.

"It was a dark, DARK night", his face already lit up with pure excitement. Now if I'm being honest I did forget exactly how the story goes so, of course, I had to pull out improv from my handy-dandy life skills toolbox. In my version of the story, I was on Instagram when the witch arrived at my window and instead of going to bed, the witch and I had a stare down until she vanished from my sight and left behind a puff of smoke that spelled out "I'll be back my pretty". Which brought us to the next night, when of course I am yet again on Instagram when I hear a screech at my door and when I open it, there she is, the green-skinned witch with large lips as red as blood. "My, what green skin you have," I tell the witch, and "my, what big, red lips you have". The witch must not hear this all the time because she smiled and said: "do you know what I do with these lips?". Frightened I said..... that's when I stopped and asked my brother, "what do you think I said to the witch" and he said, "you eat people with those big lips!!". Little did he know he was filling in the gap for me because my creativity was running low at that point and so I said "YES that's exactly what I said" and the witch said, "I'll show you what I do with these lips..." and she put her finger over her lips like this and began to (blow raspberries). This killed him! He found it hilarious. He thought the story was going to have a bad ending but really it ended off on a silly note. 

